I am creating this page because I want to get more experience using Web Sockets. If enough messages are eventually accrued on this page, then I will also get the opportunity to implement infinite scroll as well.
How It Works:
When you first interact with the site, a random name is generated for you. This random name is generated using the unique-names-generator npm package, and it is tied to your ip address.
Second test of sending chat message with Socket.io
Third test of sending chat message with socket.io
There was an error with the frontend. This should work now.
Idon't know why the events aren't broadcasting to all groups
Testing chat to see who all is in chat room...
Testing to see who all is in chat room
I think I fixed the problem
The chat message should be working now
The chat messages should be working now
For some reason there are multiple messages being sent to the other clients
Hopefully last test of chat message - there were multiple event listeners added to client
New test of the chat mechanism
test of the new chat message
Testing chat messages after some updates
Font Family For Editor
Font Size For Editor
Insert Images
Image Requirements
Images must be less than 5 MegaBytes in size.
Images must have one of the following file types: .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .webp, .gif, .bmp, or .svg.
For inputs that accept multiple images, the maximum number of images you can upload at once is
Uploading Images
Upload an image.
Edit the image. Make sure that you save the edits on the image by clicking the checkmark button before submitting the form.
For each image, you have the opportunity to add a title and a description of the image. The title and description will be shown
when the user clicks on the image. The title will be used as the alt attribute for the image as well.
If you want to add additional images, it is best to submit the form and relaunch this dialog.
Uploading Multiple Images
Upload all the images that you want to include in the input.
Select how you want the images to appear in the editor.
Image Carousel:: Inserts an image carousel into the editor. Make sure you upload all the images that you want to include in the carousel on
the first upload. Any subsequent uploads will replace the currently saved
images and their associated edits. If you want to include additional images, it is best
to submit the current form, and then relaunch the dialog to add more images.
Single Image(s): Inserts images into the editor as if they were inserted as a single image one by one.
Edit the images. Make sure that you save the edits on each image by clicking the checkmark button before moving on to the next image.
For each image, you have the opportunity to add a title and a description of the image. The title and description will be shown
when the user clicks on the image. The title will be used as the alt attribute for the image as well.
SUBMIT the form, and the images will be added to the input.
Insert Audio
Audio Upload Requirements
Each audio upload must be less than 300 MegaBytes in size.
Audio uploads must have one of the following file types: .m4a, .flac, .mp3, .mp4, .wav, .wma, .aac, .webm, or .mpeg.
Each audio upload must have an associated title.
Uploading Audio Recordings
Upload an audio recording.
Add a title for the audio recording.
SUBMIT the form.
If you want to add additional audio recordings, it is best to submit the form and relaunch this dialog.
Please enter valid inputs to insert an audio recording.
Insert Video
Video Upload Requirements
Each video upload must be less than 300 MegaBytes in size.
Video uploads must have one of the following file types: .mp4, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .avchd, .webm, or .flv.
For inputs that accept multiple video files, the maximum number of video files you can upload at once is
Each uploaded video must have an associated title.
Uploading Videos
Upload a video recording.
Add a title and optionally add a description for the video.
SUBMIT the form.
If you want to add additional videos, it is best to submit the form and relaunch this dialog.
Please enter valid inputs to insert a video recording
Please input a valid url.
Rules for Chat Messages:
Cannot include audio or video yet (I haven't decided how to make sure that content is safe yet).
Less than 4,000 characters.
Images must be safe.
Font Weight
Font Family
Undo Last Change
Redo Last Change
Clear Content
Insert Line Break
Indent Content
Outdent Content
Left Align
Center Align
Right Align
Justify Align
Bold Text
Italicize Text
Strikethrough Text
Underline Text
Superscript Text
Subscript Text
Insert Header
Change Background Color
Change Text Color
Highlight Text
Insert Saved Version of Article
Insert Image
Insert Audio
Insert Video
Upload GIF
Embed News or Youtube Video
Insert a Quote
Insert Lists
Insert <aside> Element
Insert <details> Element
Insert Code Markup
Insert Math Markup
Insert Table
Insert Chart
Insert Horizontal Rule
Insert Paragraph at End of Editor
View Result at Different Screen Sizes
Edit the Style of the Block Elements in Selection
Insert Link
Code Text
Clear Text Formatting
Speech To Text
Download Editor State
Upload Lexical, Markdown, Notebook, or TeX
Insert Keyboard Command
Insert Abbreviation
Insert Inline Quote
Insert Section Heading
Insert Custom HTML
Insert Columns Layout
Copy Editor Contents
Rewrite Selection with AI
Please input a valid url.
Are you sure you want to delete this article section? You can not undo this change.
Add a Comment
Annotate Article
Copy Link to Selection
Share Article Selection
Ask AI About Selection
Write with AI
Rewrite Paragraph with AI
Rewrite with AI
A previous, saved version of this article is saved. To compare the current version of the article with the previous version - or to replace the current version with the saved version - click the icon above the text editor.
Successfully copied URL to clipboard!
Copied code to clipboard.
Copied TeX code to clipboard.
Uploaded file must be an image of type .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .webp, .gif, .bmp, or .svg.
Image Size must be less than 5MB.
Uploaded file must be an image of type jpeg, jpg, png, webp, avif, tiff, or svg.
Something went wrong uploading the image to the database. Try reloading the page.
The maximum number of images you can upload is 30.
There was an error taking an image using the device's camera. Try uploading an image instead.
Uploaded file must be an audio file.
Audio file must be an audio file of type .m4a, .flac, .mp3, .mp4, .wav, .wma, .aac, .webm, or .mpeg.
Audio file must be less than 300 MB in size.
Something went wrong uploading the audio file. Try reloading the page.
The maximum number of audio files you can upload is 10.
There was an error capturing an audio recording using the device's microphone. Try uploading an audio recording or video instead.
Uploaded file must be an video file.
Video file must be an audio file of type .mp4, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .avchd, .webm, or .flv.
Video file must be less than 300 MB in size.
Something went wrong uploading the video file. Try reloading the page.
The maximum number of video files you can upload is 10.
There was an error taking a video using the device's camera / microphone. Try uploading a video instead.