Frank's Chat
I am creating this page because I want to get more experience using Web Sockets. If enough messages are eventually accrued on this page, then I will also get the opportunity to implement infinite scroll as well.
How It Works:
When you first interact with the site, a random name is generated for you. This random name is generated using the unique-names-generator npm package, and it is tied to your ip address.
Test chat message
Another test chat message
Test of chat message new JavaScript
Testing new JavaScript
Why won't dialing open?
Loading Dialog
Testing chat message with Socket.IO
Second test of sending chat message with
Third test of sending chat message with
There was an error with the frontend. This should work now.
I don't know why the events aren't broadcasting to all groups
Testing chat to see who all is in chat room...
Testing to see who all is in chat room
I think I fixed the problem
The chat message should be working now
The chat messages should be working now
For some reason there are multiple messages being sent to the other clients
Hopefully last test of chat message - there were multiple event listeners added to client
New test of the chat mechanism
test of the new chat message
Insert Images
Image Requirements
Uploading Images
Uploading Multiple Images
Insert Audio
Audio Upload Requirements
Uploading Audio Recordings
Please enter valid inputs to insert an audio recording.
Insert Video
Video Upload Requirements
Uploading Videos
Please enter valid inputs to insert a video recording
Rules for Chat Messages:
- Cannot include audio or video yet (I haven't decided how to make sure that content is safe yet).
- Less than 4,000 characters.
- Images must be safe.