Daily Reading
Previously, I had been using this page to take notes on different wikipedia articles every day. I lost my streak when I decided to read some books on machine learning / natural language processing / AI (see the Jupyter Notebooks Entries for August / September 2024 ) and also a few of the entries on Mortimer Adler's reading list. I could have continued the streak during this time, but time was limited and the upcoming articles that I had planned didn't really interest me that much.
After reading How To Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading, I have decided to try to focus on reading higher quality material, and as a result, I have decided to no longer include only Wikipedia articles on this page. Instead, I will use this page to document my notes on blog posts, shorter works, or chapters of larger works (or anything that interests me or that I think is worth reading). I will try to find something new every day.
What was the Impetus for Creating This Page?
Sometimes when I am reading things from books or more specifically textbooks, like I have been doing lately to try to learn more about Computer Science and Software Engineering, the book goes into a topic with a level of detail that I currently don't care about but may want to learn more about in the future. I thought that I might create this page so that I can set aside the topic for now, and in the future, return to the topic to learn more about it by reading a Wikipedia article on it (there are Wikipedia articles on most technology topics).
What Do I Want to Accomplish with This Page
While the impetus to create this page was to go in depth on software / technology concepts, I know that I don't always want to read about those topics. Reading only about technology or topics related to computers can get boring, so I expect to be reading about some historical events and maybe some biographies as well.
Wikipedia as a Source
Wikipedia itself claims that it is not a good source dur to the user-generated content that is on the site. However, I don't plan to be reading about recent events, which usually contain the most controversial pieces of information, on the site, and I think I am able to tell when a piece of information seems off.
Search Daily Reading
Search daily reading articles by title using the search box below.
Reading about Python sandboxes, and RPython came up. I want to know more about it.
I want to read more about WebAuthn. I was using a service, and passkeys were suggested for use. I want to learn more about why / what is WebAuthn.
Adamax Optimization
Want to learn more about optimization algorithms used in Machine Learning / Deep Learning.
Adam Optimization
Want to learn more about optimization algorithms used in Machine Learning / Deep Learning.
RMSProp Optimization
Want to learn more about optimization algorithms used in Machine Learning / Deep Learning.
Adadelta Optimization
Want to learn more about optimization algorithms used in Machine Learning / Deep Learning.
Adagrad Optimization
Want to learn more about optimization algorithms used in Machine Learning / Deep Learning.
Nesterov Momentum
Want to learn more about optimization algorithms used in Machine Learning / Deep Learning.
Momentum Optimization
Want to learn more about optimization algorithms used in Machine Learning / Deep Learning.
Gradient Clipping
Want to learn more about optimization algorithms used in Machine Learning / Deep Learning.
Stochastic Gradient Descent
Want to learn more about optimization algorithms used in Machine Learning / Deep Learning.
Neural Network Output Layer
Want to review information about neural network output layers for different kinds of problems.
Activation Functions
Want to learn more about different activation functions used in DL.
Performance Metrics in Machine Learning
Want to learn more about common loss functions used in machine / deep learning.
Tokenization in Natural Language Processing
Want to learn more about the tokenization process in Machine Learning.
PostgreSQL: System Administration Functions
I kind of skipped over the functions/operators section of the PostgreSQL documentation when reading it. I want to review the sections that I think wou...
Firebase Cloud Messaging
I want to read about firebase cloud messaging because it is what I use for push notifications for this website.
Internet Protocol Suite
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on the Internet Protocol suite to learn more about the internet.
Rerum Novarum
Notes on RERUM NOVARUM, an encyclical issued by Pope Leo XIII on 15 May 1891. It is an open letter, passed to all Catholic patriarchs, primates, archb...
January, 2025
Don't use cosine similarity carelessly
Blog post that I saw on HackerNews that looks informative and interesting. (https://p.migdal.pl/blog/2025/01/dont-use-cosine-similarity)
I want to learn more about CPython. I am implementing
PostgreSQL: Array Functions and Operators
I kind of skipped over the functions/operators section of the PostgreSQL documentation when reading it. I want to review the sections that I think wou...
Running a Jupyter Server
I wanted to read more about running a Jupyter Server because that is how I am going to sandbox Python code.
PostgreSQL: Date/Rime Functions and Operators
I kind of skipped over the functions/operators section of the PostgreSQL documentation when reading it. I want to review the sections that I think wou...
PostgreSQL: Row and Array Comparisons
I kind of skipped over the functions/operators section of the PostgreSQL documentation when reading it. I want to review the sections that I think wou...
Lambda Calculus
I saw this mentioned when reading about functional programming and want to learn more about it.
Wirth's law
I saw this mentioned somewhere and wanted to look into it more.
PostgreSQL: SubQuery Expressions
I kind of skipped over the functions/operators section of the PostgreSQL documentation when reading it. I want to review the sections that I think wou...
PostgreSQL: Aggregate Functions
I kind of skipped over the functions/operators section of the PostgreSQL documentation when reading it. I want to review the sections that I think wou...
Edge Detection
I want to read about edge detection because I was looking into style transfer and the topic of edge detection came up and it is something that I have ...
Automatic Diffeneriation
Want to read more about automatic differentiation because I have been focused on deep learning the past couple days.
A Programmer's Guide to Unicode
Blog post recommended by Karpathy on Unicode.
Computational Graphs
I want to read about computational graphs, as they are related to neural networks and DL.
PostgreSQL: String Functions and Operators
I kind of skipped over the functions/operators section of the PostgreSQL documentation when reading it. I want to review the sections that I think wou...
PostgreSQL: Mathematical Functions and Operators
I kind of skipped over the functions/operators section of the PostgreSQL documentation when reading it. I want to review the sections that I think wou...
What I've Learned Building Interactive Embedding Visualizations
I want to read a blog post about building interactive embedding visualizations because it is something that I want to do.
December, 2024
PostgreSQL Parallel Query
Finishing up notes on PostgreSQL "The SQL Language" documentation.
PostgreSQL Performance Tips
Finishing up notes on PostgreSQL "The SQL Language" documentation.
PostgreSQL Concurrency Control
Finishing up notes on PostgreSQL "The SQL Language" documentation.
URI authority / URI fragment / URI schemes
Reading some of the MDN web docs.
CSS Custom Highlight API
Reading about the CSS Custom Highlight API because that is how I am going to implement annotations.
George Boole
I was reading about computer architecture, and George Bool came up. I decided to learn more about him.
Von Neumann architecture
I was reading about computer architecture and the Von Neumann architecture came up. I want to learn more about it.
Harvard Architecture
I was reading about computer architecture and the Harvard architecture came up. I want to learn more about it.
I want to learn more about monorepos after learning about version control systems.
I want to learn more about YAML because I have used it a couple times and just want to know more about it.
HTTP Long Polling
I want to read about HTTP long polling because it is a concept important in the use of Socket.io.
Houdini APIs
I want to learn more about the Houdini APIs, which give you low-level access to parts of the CSS engine. I am going to read the MDN web docs on them.
I want to learn more about the slowloris cyber attack because I cam across it when reading the Node.js documentation and I want to know more about it.
Want to read about the joi JavaScript library. It seems like it would be a great library to use to simplify data validation.
DNS Rebinding
I want to know more about DNS Rebinding. I first learned about this topic when reading the Node.js documentation.
I want to read about libuv because it is an important library used in multiple programming languages. I learned about the existence of libuv when read...
I am having some problems with node/ws, and I read that the socket.io library handles common problems with WebSockets, so I am going to try to reimple...
AWS WebSocket Considerations
Looking into what needs to be taken into account when using WebSockets with AWS services - primarily CloudFront, Application Load Balancer, and EC2. W...
Amazon SNS
I want to read more about Amazon's SNS because I need to use it to implement push notifications for this site.
PL/Python — Python Procedural Language
I want to read about PL/Python to see if it offers any advantages over PL./pgSQL and to see if I might like it better.
PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL
I need to review the Postgres PL/pgSQL SQL procedural language because it is what I use to write Postgres functions.
PostgreSQL Notify
I don't know much about PostgreSQL's NOTIFY functionality, but from what I think it is, I think it might work well with server sent events (and I just...
PostgreSQL Triggers
I want to implement push notifications for this site and instead of going through the application code and trying to add notifications by logging spec...
NGINX WebSocket Proxying
I need to implement NGINX WebSocket proxying because notifications require WebSockets.
Server Sent Events
I want to read about server sent events because I need to either use web sockets or server sent events to implement push notifications.
WebSocket API
I want to read about the WebSocket API because I need to either use web sockets or server sent events to implement push notifications.
Efficient Image Resizing With ImageMagick
I want to read this blog article because I want to find out the best way to determine an appropriate background color when extending an image with ima...
Push API
I want to read about the Push API because I want to add push notifications to this site.
Notifications API
I want to read about the notifications API because I want to add push notifications to this site.
I want to read about workbox because I finally want to add a service worker / push notifications to this site.
Retrieval Augmented Generation
I want to learn about Retrieval Augmented Generation.
Matrix Norm
Want to read more about matrix norms since I have read about Recommender systems and I utilize embeddings for this site.
November, 2024
Jet Streams
I want to learn something about jet streams.
Reading about ECMAScript because I want to know more about ECMAScript.
I want to learn more about nvm (node version manager).
I want to learn more about npm (node package manager).
I want to learn more about node.js.
Webpack Build Performance
I want to improve the speed with which webpack builds client side code. I am going over old frontend code that I wrote to improve it, and I am tired o...
HTML Video Element
I want to read more about the HTML video element. I am looking into how to make the size responsive.
PostgreSQL Constraints
I want to learn more about PostgreSQL constraints.
CSS Animations
I want to learn more about CSS animations so I am either going to read the MDN docs or find another resource to learn more about them.
I installed ollama on my computer, and I want to know more about it.
I want to learn more about bash (Unix shell).
llms.txt File
I want to read about the llms.txt file - "A proposal to standardize on using an /llms.txt file to provide information to help LLMs use a website at in...
Web Sockets
I want to read about web sockets.
RSS Feed
I want to read about RSS feeds so I can learn about receive updates from a website in a standardized format.
Swap Space
I want to read about swap space because it helped me solve a problem that I had on an EC2 server.
Prompt Engineering
At first, I didn't think that prompt engineering mattered much, but after thinking about it in terms of searching latent space and given that it could...
Monocular Depth Estimation
I have a read a little about monocular depth estimation. I want to look more into it.
Video File Format
I want to read more about video file formats.
Hardware Requirements for Machine Learning
I want to read more about the hardware requirements for machine learning - since I am implementing some ML models on a rented server.
Audio File Format
I want to read more about audio file formats.
I want to learn more about psql - the terminal-based front-end to PostgreSQL - because I need to use it to do some stuff for the database that is more...
GPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer)
Getting back into looking at machine learning models, and BERT and GPT are the two main types of LLMs according to text that I have read - so I want t...
Graphics Processing Unit
I want to read about GPUs to better understand the terminology.
BERT (language model)
Getting back into looking at machine learning models, and BERT and GPT are the two main types of LLMs according to text that I have read - so I want t...
PostgreSQL Common Table Expressions
As you begin to implement more complex functionality, you start to want to implement common table expressions more and more to simplify things. I want...
PostgreSQL Conditional Expressions
I want to read more about postgreSQL conditional expressions so that I can write better SQL queries faster.
PostgreSQL Database Roles
I want to read more about PostgreSQL database roles. When you let AI write sql queries to intelligently fulfill a user request, you want to give the A...
PostgreSQL Date/Time Functions and Operators
I store dates as a bigint UNIX time in my databases, which I think is simple and I like, but when looking at data, this big integer gives me no meanin...
pytesseract Library
I want to look into the python pytesseract library, which is an opticla character recognition tool for Python.
Hanlon's razor
I was reading a blog article and found the proper name of a common expression that you hear. I want to read more about it.
October, 2024
I want to learn more about probability.
Probability Theory
I want to learn more about probability.
Bayesian Statistics
I want to go through the wikipedia series on Bayesian Statistics because I don't think I am that good at statistics.
I read the article on SCP because I was looking for a tool I used in the past - which ended up being rsync. I am going to read the wikipedia article o...
Secure copy protocol
Wanted to learn about SCP because, today, I needed to move something from a server to my local machine and I forgot about the scp command which would ...
ffmpeg Review
I need to review ffmpeg for something that I am doing.
tar (computing)
Want to learn more about the tar command (and zip files in general in the future).
Gradient Boosting
Reviewing Gradient Boosting before going over the xgboost documentation.
ssh protocol
Want to read about ssh protocol because I have run into it a few times and want to find out how I could use it to benefit me.
I want to learn more about xcode. I don't use a Mac, but xcode is often referenced in books / documentation that I read. I think it is used to develop...
I want to read about pip because I have been using Python more recently, so I think it would be helpful to know more about it.
Python Virtual Environments
I want to read about Python virtual environments because I have been dealing with them recently.
Need to read about gunicorn because I use it to deploy my Flask application on the server.
AWS Elastic Block Storage (EBS)
Looking to add some space to my server and so I am looking into Amazon EBS.
I was going over neural style transfer and I want to remind myself of how the convolution process works.
I have some situations on this site that I don't know what the best practices are in regards to using the tabindex HTML attribute. I am going to read ...
A Beginner's Guide to the True Order of SQL Operations
Reading a blog post about the true order of SQL operations. I was having trouble with SQL earlier and found this article, so I am going to read it.
Karl Marx
Reading about Karl Marx because he is an often talked about character, and I don't know much about him.
I was reading about Lasso Linear Regression and found an application in computed tomography. I looked up tomography, and it seemed interesting.
Gaussian Function
Learning more about the Gaussian Function since it is a problem that comes up a lot in machine learning.
Optimization Theory
Optimization Theory is a topic that comes up a lot in Machine Learning, so I want to learn more about it.
Differential Privacy
Differential Privacy is something that I need to learn about in order to safely create something that I want to create.
August, 2024
I was reading a machine learning math book and it mentioned matrix phylogeny. Looking at videos online, phylogeny is integral to biology, which I don'...
Kernel Method
Also known as the Kernel trick, this is a concept used often in Machine Learning, so I want to read more about it here.
Abductive Reasoning
This topic has come up multiple times in studying the math behind artificial intelligence / machine learning, so I want to know more about it.
Pseudorandom Number Generators
These pseudorandom numbers are used a lot in computer technology, so I want to learn more about them.
New Institutional Economics
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Stockholm School
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Chicago School
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Keynesian Economics
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Lausanne School
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Institutional Economics
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Neoclassical Economics
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Islamist Economics
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Historical School
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Anarchist Economics
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
English Historical School
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
French Liberal School
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Marxian Economics
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Georgist Economics
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Ricardian Socialism
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
American School
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Classical Political Economy
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Ancient Economic Thought
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Part of the series where I am trying to learn more about each of the major economic schools of thought.
Hardware Random Number Generators
Hardware random number generators are used often in computer technology - like in operating systems, so I want to learn more about them.
Random Number Generation
I want to know more about random number generation. It was used often when I was studying machine learning with Python, and I want to know more about ...
Mainstream Economic Theory
After reading about the Austrian School of Economics, I decided that I should probably become more knowledgeable about mainstream economic theory befo...
July, 2024
I am coming back to Philosophy and specifically Rationalism because I haven't read it in a while and Rationalism was mentioned often when reading abou...
Austrian School of Economics
I was listening to a podcast and this topic was brought up. I realized that I don't know much about the history of economics, so I decided to try to l...
Hash Function
Hash functions are a very important topic in computer programming, so I am going to try to learn more about them.
Encryption is another important topic that is related to computer programming, a topic that I don't know a lot about, so I am going to try to learn mo...
Social Epistemology
I want to read about social epistemology because I want to see how it might be related to interpreting or reducing the opinions of many people to one ...
Character Encoding
Character encoding is an important topic in computer programming, so I am going to try to learn more about it.
History of Psychiatry
History of psychiatry is the study of the history of and changes in psychiatry, a medical specialty with diagnoses, prevents and treats mental disorde...
I was reading "A New History of Western Philosophy" by Anthony John Patrick Kenny a while back and decided to continue reading it today. I left off in...
Kernel (Operating System)
The kernel is mentioned often when reading about computer science / software engineering topics, so I want to learn more about it.
MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating big data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm o...
Part Numbers
I have dealt with Part Numbers in a manufacturing environment, building projects for school and other, and trying to replace equipment that fails. I w...
Terminal Pager
The terminal pager has been mentioned often in my reading about software engineering / computer science, so I figure I will try to learn more about it...
Storage Water Heater
I had a problem today with a leaking water heater, so I am going to try to learn more about them here.
Write Ahead Logs
Write Ahead Logs were a component of database systems that was mentioned a lot in "Designing Data Intensive Applications". I want to return to this co...
June, 2024
Random Forest
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
May, 2024
Decision Trees
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Multimodal Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Ontology Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Grammar Induction
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Learning to Rank
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Feature Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Feature Engineering
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Structured Prediction
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Semantic Analysis
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Data Cleaning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Anomaly Detection
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Density Estimation
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Dimensionality Reduction
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Generative Modeling
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Quantum Machine Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Neuromorphic Engineering
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Neuro-Symbolic AI
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Rule-Based Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Curriculum Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Batch Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Online Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Meta Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Reinforcement Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Self-supervised Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Semi-supervised learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Unsupervised Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...
Supervised Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Supervised learning (SL) is a paradigm in machine learning where input ...
April, 2024
Machine Learning
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Machine learning (ML) is a subfield of artificial intelligence that fo...
Data Mining
I want to go through the Wikipedia series on Machine Learning and Data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in la...