Frank's Notes
I created these notes to try to keep track of things that I plan to do, to have something to look over when I am trying to remind myself about a subject, and to try and keep myself honest when learning new things.
Some of the older articles are not styled correctly due to changes that have been made to the rich text editor.
Search for a note by title in the search box above and see the results here...
January, 2025
Markdown Markup Languages
Reading about the different Markdown markup languages. I use the GitHub Flavored Markdown variant of Markdown, but I want to know about them all to kn...
Scientific Subjects that I Want to Know More About
Keeping track of subjects that I want to learn more about. These topics are mainly scientific. The way that I created this list was by looking at the ...
Review of Machine Learning / Deep Learning Notes: Part 2
I want to review my machine learning / deep learning notes before beginning my new years resolution of completing one ml / dl project per day. I will ...
Review of Machine Learning / Deep Learning Notes: Part 1
I want to review my machine learning / deep learning notes before beginning my new years resolution of completing one ml / dl project per day. I will ...
December, 2024
PostgreSQL SQL Language Documentation
I want to read through the PostgreSQL SQL Language documentation because I realized my SQL skills weren't as good as I thought they were.
Database Systems
I want to read about database systems to increase my knowledge of databases.
Computer Architecture
I want to learn about computer architecture, so I am going to read and take notes on Basic Computer Architecture by Smruti R. Sarangi.
Effective DevOps
I don't really know what DevOps is, and I want to learn more about it. I am looking for better ways to update the code on this site. This is currently...
Principles of Programming Languages
I want to learn more about the principles of programming languages, so I am going to read this book. Notes
continuing to takes notes on after having read the Documentation in a daily reading article. I am taking these notes while implementing sock...
CustomEvents in JavaScript / window Extensions
Taking notes on CustomEvents in JavaScript. Creating a list of CustomEvents that I use in my own design system so that I can more easily keep track of...
HTMX Documentation
I want to take notes on HTMX documentation because it is what I use as a frontend framework.
The TypeScript Handbook
I want to read through "The TypeScript Handbook" so that I can improve my knowledge of TypeScript and define cleaner types.
JavaScript Runtimes and Package Managers
I want to finish reading the Node.js Documentation, and I also want to read about the JavaScript runtimes Deno and Bun. I learned some things when rea...
Workbox Notes - Continued
I need to learn some more about workbox when actually implementing the service worker functionality. I will take notes during the process and keep the...
PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL Notes
Finishing up notes that I was taking on PL/pgSQL. I need to use some of these functions to simplify database behavior and write some triggers.
November, 2024
How To Use Webpack to Host Frontend Code via External URL
I am looking to use CloudFront to store JavaScript files rather than serving them using a proxy server or using my application code (because it is fas...
Learning About chocolatey
I currently use Windows OS, and I have chocolatey installed as a package manager. I want to learn more about it because downloading and installing sof...
Updating Content on CloudFront
It is much faster to serve content through AWS CoudFront's edge locations than through the server - as I have found out by using it to load fonts and ...
Web App Manifest
Taking some notes on web app manifest because I finally want to implement notifications for this site.
October, 2024
Sandboxing Python and Linux Jailing
I need to look into different ways to sandbox Python code on the server for multiple reasons. I need to sandbox Python to implement a better version o...
I want to create a TeX to HTML service so that I can upload notes in TeX and convert them to HTML. I am going to try to start a habit of reading a res...
Pro Git
Reading "Pro Git: Everything You Need to Know About Git" by Scott Chacron and Ben Straub. I want to know more about git so that I can use it more effe...
Taking some notes on how to build logs for applications. I don't have a good logging system yet, and it can get hard when you have distributed microse...
Jupyter Notebooks
I want to keep track of some things that I have learned about Jupyter notebooks here. I also want to take notes on Jupyter Notebooks and nbconvert in ...
About Sitemaps
Notes on sitemaps and how to best handle them for single page applications.
Mortimer Adler's Reading List
A list of recommended books for challenging yourself, becoming a better reader, and reading analytically from "How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide t...
August, 2024
VS Code Tips
Saving some helpful vscode tips for future reference
Notes / Resources on Machine Learning
Creating this page to keep track of some helpful machine learning resources that I come across and to remind myself of some concepts as I try to compl...
MIT OpenCourseWare, MIT 6.034 Notes Artificial Intelligence
I got tired of reading texts about the math of machine learning / artificial intelligence, so I am going to watch this video series by MIT OpenCourseW...
Mathematics For Machine Learning Notes
I am reading this because I hope that learning some of the math behind Machine Learning will help me gain a better intuition on how to store and proce...
I plan on using PostGIS to manage geography objects in PostgreSQL, so I want to review the docs here to learn best practices and more about the extens...
Principles of Geographic Information Systems
I am planning on creating an application that involves geospatial data, so I want to learn more about it. I am going to read this textbook, Principles...
Reading About KaTeX and Reviewing Security Implications
I need to review the security implications of letting users input their own KaTeX equations. I was looking over their function reference and saw some ...
Linear Algebra Review Part 2
I decided that the last method that I was using to review Linear Algebra wasn't working too well, so I am going to try something else. I want to revie...
Linear Algebra Review Part 1
I want to review Linear Algebra before review the math behind machine learning and deep learning. I probably won't go too into depth on anything (even...
Probability for Computer Scientists
I want to learn more about Combinatorics and Probability because I believe those are two areas of discrete mathematics that I don't know enough about....
July, 2024
Mathematics for Computer Science
I want to learn more about the Mathematics for Computer Science so that I know more about the mathematical foundations of computer science. This is ju...
Some Notes on CSS
Taking some notes on CSS just to improve my knowledge on styling. I currently have a problem with <dialog> elements - when they are styled with viewpo...
Shell Scripting
Wanted to learn more about shell scripting. Since starting to learn programming, I have seen a lot of shell scripts without knowing fully how they wor...
Testing Out the Lexical Implementation
The importDOM/exportDOM behavior of Lexical can sometimes cause Content Layout Shifts. I am using this post to test out all components to try to minim...
Computer Networking - A Top Down Approach
I'm configuring a server, working with AWS, and realizing that I don't know enough that I don't know enough about Computer Networking to effectively b...
Learning More About AWS (Part 3) - Notes for Certified Developer Associate Exam
Splitting up the notes for the Certified Developer Associate Exam because I have not yet implemented lazy loading for articles.
Keeping Track of Useful Shell / CMD Commands / Scripts
I want to keep track of useful shell / cmd commands that I might want to use in the future.
Docker Notes
Docker helps developers build, share, run, and verify applications anywhere - without tedious environment configuration and management. I want to lear...
Linux User Management, Managing Permissions, and Directory Structure
I want to know more about User management and managing permissions in Linux, so I am creating this note. I am also going to review the directory struc...
Learning More About AWS (Part 2) - Notes for Certified Developer Associate Exam
I intreact with AWS a good amount - I use s3 for image/audio/video/other data storage and I use the Relational Database Service for the database for t...
Google's Site Reliability Engineering Textbook
Going to read Google's Site Reliability Engineering book to learn more about increasing the reliability of a system architecture.
Designing Data Intensive Applications Notes
Taking some notes on "Designing Data-Intensive Applications, The Big Ideas Behind Scalable and Maintainable Systems" by Martin Kleppmann because I wan...
Learning PostgreSQL Textbook
I've been writing PostgreSQL commands for a while now, but I sometimes make mistakes that takes a minute or two to clear up and I also don't know much...
How Hard Disk Drives / Solid State Drives Work
In the notes that I have taken so far, which have primarily been about software, there has been a lot of mentions of writing data to the disk, so I am...
Taking Notes on the OWASP Cheat Sheets
I read about Account Lockout in the OWASP cheat sheets while reading about common cybersecurity attacks. I saw good tips and things to consider in tha...
Mutation Observer API
I need to learn about the Mutation Observer API in order to better implement the embedding of social media posts. Right now, social media posts are wr...
Reading About Common Cybersecurity Issues on the OWASP Website
I first heard about the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) community when reading about possibly implementing Regular Expression sear...
Reading About the Service Worker API
I want to implement notifications for this single page application, so I want to know how the Service Worker API works.
PostgreSQL Search
Every since I saw that you can search in Postgres with regular expressions, I wanted to attempt to build a search feature with it. I also need to impr...
The Intersection Observer API
I want to know more about the Intersection Observer API. I currently use it for styling in the table of a contents for a page - which can be seen in t...
June, 2024
Improvements to Article Builder to Make
Taking notes on article builder that I need to make to keep track of things that I should do in the future. Keeping track of the notes here so that It...
Learning More about Linux
Learning more about linux bevause that is what my server and most backend server run on today. I am only going to focus on some things in this textboo...
NGINX Server
I use an nginx HTTP server to manage this site. I don't know much about nginx, so I am creating these notes to learn more about it to help me more eff...
Learning About Amazon Linux 2023
Learning more about Amazon Linux 2023. This Linux application environment is used in many EC2 instances, so I am going to try to learn more about it.
Operating Systems Concepts
Taking notes on Operating System Concepts, 7th Edition, to learn more about Operating systems. My notes on these books usually start off verbose becau...
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware / Software Interface
I want to know more about the hardware / software interface of computers and computer architrecture, so I am reading this textbook. I also was failing...
Learning More About AWS WAF
Learning more about Amazon's Web Application Firewall. I was having trouble earlier today when CloudFront and Application Load Balancer Web Applicatio...
Reviewing C
I have learned some about C in the past - I went through "The C Programming Language", but I a, planning on reading some textbooks about operating sy...
Learning Vim
I've been editing files in the command-line more frequently recently as I have gotten into configuring servers. Editing files with with nano is diffic...
Learning the Unix Operating System
I want to know more about the Unix Operating System. Most internet based servers today run on Unix or Unix like servers (about 80% - see https://en.wi...
PostgreSQL Notes
Creating this note to keep track of some things about PostgreSQL that I want to remember / learn about. So far, I have taken notes mainly on PostgreSQ...
I use systemd for as a system / service manager for my Amazon Linux operating system on the EC2 instance server that runs this site. I don't know much...
May, 2024
Domain Name System (DNS) Information
I was looking around to see if my Domain Name Registrar, nameheap, would negatively affect the speed of API routes on this site and future projects, s...
Tips on Using Rich Text Editor / Code Editor / Markdown Editor
Keeping track of tips / Keyboard shortcuts for Lexcial Editor, Code Editor, and Markdown editor. Should also give tips on how to best use the article ...
ToDo this Site
Creating a TODO list for things that I need to todo regarding this site.
UX Design
I once saw a tweet that should an example of UX Design where the tweeter predicted in which order the viewer of the tweet would read the words in the ...
Types of Kaggle Competitions
I am going to try to use Kaggle competitions to get better at machine learning. There are Kaggle competitions of varying difficvulty, described below.
Handling Media on Multiple Devices / Platforms
My opnion on which road to take when attempting to transcode media for multiple devices. There are many different devices that you want to serve with ...
Why Not Use PostgreSQL As A Cache?
Why not simplify backend - remove the need for memcache / redis - and instead use SQL table as a cache
How To Best Load Fonts for Web Applications
I have tried a couple different methods for loading fonts for web applications. I want to find the best method of accomplishing loading fonts.
Learning More about AWS (Part 1) - Notes for Certified Cloud Practicioner Exam
I intreact with AWS a good amount - I use s3 for image/audio/video/other data storage and I use the Relational Database Service for the database for t...
Reading the ImageMagick Docs
I want to do a deeper dive into ImageMagick to see what is possible, what the common commands look like, and to just learn more in general about it. I...
Reaidng the ffmpeg Docs
I want to learn more about the capabilities of ffmpeg. Similar to why I am reading the ImageMagick docs, I want to implement a Lambda Layer that has f...