Frank's Projects

Place to keep links to some projects that I have worked on. These projects are software projects so far (and things that I wanted to test in a production environment), but I am not sure what all I will work on in the future.

The projects are not currently organized in any particular type of way. The projects are organized into vague sections based on what type of project they are - normal projects, ai projects, visualization projects, or a projects archive, and with each section, the projects are listed (roughly) oldest to newest. I need to come up with a better way to list projects in the future.

Material UI Logo

A Material Design - Like Design System

I created a MUI like design system to learn about CSS and to use for various projects. I tried to make it smaller so that assets load faster. This page contains links to various components that make up most frontend design systems that you see out there. I will probably be adding more in the future. Need to create some more useful components.

Completed WILL ADD TO
Google Maps

Google Maps Implementation

Demonstration of the Google Maps JavaScript API, not only showing GEOJSON locations on a map, but also drawing circles and polygons on the map. This page was created because I want to include this functionality in another project. Need to fix how Google Maps API works on SPAs.

Lexical Implementation

Lexical Implementation

This page contains a demonstration of my vanilla JS Lexical Rich Text Editor Implementation. It contains a demonstration and some description (which is currently not great) of how I went about implementing the editor.


Various Lexical Implementations

This page contains a demonstration of various different editors. When implementing rich text editors, you want different versions of an editor for different things - i.e., a article builder editor with all components, a comment editor with only some components, and a text-only editor that can handle links. This page shows some demonstrations of different editors. Add to this page when you create a new editor type.

Article Builder

Article Builder - Final Implementation

I created a few different implementations of an article builder until I created one that I feel I got right. This implementation includes a sticky navbar and an editor that has a variable height based on the amount of content in the editor. I should explain this better.

Article Builder

Article Builder Implementation 3

This version of the article builder allows users to insert multiple <section>s - with each section either being custom HTML and CSS or a Lexical Rich Text editor. The sections can be rearranged through drag and drop. I felt this article builder was too difficult to use on mobile devices, and also just too involved in general.

Article Builder

Article Builder Implementation 2

This version of the article builder is similar to the third version of the article builder, except that it doesn't allow users to insert custom HTML and CSS. This version of the article builder was again too involved and difficult to use on mobile.

Article Builder

Article Builder Implementation 1

This version of the article builder takes up the whole page - giving users the whole screen to write a blog post or something similar. The styling of this article builder was no good and the styling also gives users the wrong impression of how content will look on mobile / tablet devices.

Playground Logo

HTML, CSS, and Javascript Playground

I created this page mainly to test out my codemirror (see npm) implementation. I also used the time creating this page to look into how I might safely implement user-supplied-code into my site, but I didn't find anything that I wanted to work on. This needs to be improved my implementing a view of the console of the <frame> element.

Create a Survey

Create a Survey

Using this page to demonstrate the functionality of something I want to implement in an application - a way of creating polls and analyzing them using AI. This involves allowing users to insert multi-modal input (upload images, audio, video, and custom HTML as a response to a survey/poll question). Need to come back to this.

Record Media

Record Media

Demonstration of uploading / taking / recording images, audio, and video using JavaScript web APIs. I wanted to create my own implementation of recording audio / video / taking images, and I also wanted to see how it works. You can also test out uploading images and getting suitable sizes for mobile, desktop, and tablet devices. I need to review / rewrite the content for this page.

Create Gradient

Create Gradient

For some reason, I was really interested in CSS gradients one day so I created this page, on which you can create your own Linear and Radial gradients with any amount of colors / modifications. I think I created this page because I wanted to learn more about SVGs too.

Census Information Near You

Census Information Near You

I created this page as a demonstration of dynamically loading google maps javascript maps / dynamically loading GEOJSON and also to figure out what kind of information I alreay have about census communities around the United States. I also wanted to test out the Geolocation JavaScript API.

Markdown to HTML

Markdown to HTML

I created this page to test out my Markdown to HTML system that I created with marked-js. This page contains a code editor that you can use to inert markdown and see the resulting HTML using my current system. I might switch from using marked js to pandoc in the future for markdown to HTML conversions.

Configure Font Size Adjust

Configure Font Size Adjust

I use a custom font, Anuphan, on this site, and I wanted to find the best way to configure the <size-adjust> property of a @font-face declaration to minimize the cumulative layout shift. On this page, you can sww what the optimal font <size-adjust> property would be for every font on google fonts.

Looking Into Safe Ways to Embed Social Media Post

Looking into Embedding Social Media Posts

I created this page in an effort to look into safe ways to embed different social media posts so that I could include that as an option in my Lexical rich text editor. I wanted to test this out in a production environment to make sure my content security policy directives were correct.

Testing CSS env Variables

Testing CSS env Variables

I created this page to test out CSS env variables that are available to developers to make styling easier on different devices. It can be difficult to create styles for different types of mobile devices, tablets, and computers, and these CSS variables make it easier. I had to upload this in production to test out many different devices easily.

Convert File Type

Convert File Type

I created this page so that I can easily convert images, audio files, video files, and documents to different file types, i.e., png to jpeg or docx to HTML. I created this page using imagemagick for images, ffmpeg for audio and video, and pandoc for documents. I still need to work on converting documents to HTML and making it look good for jupyter notebooks, markdown, and tex documents.

Web APIs

Web APIs

I am creating this page because i want to test out various Web APIs that look interesting. I found a page on the mdn web docs that contains an alphabetical list of all the WebAPIs, and I saw how many looked interesting and how many I want to try out, so I am creating this page to try them out.

HTML Table to Markdown

Table Conversions

I am creating this page because it is sometimes annoying to convert table between different formats. CSV, Excel, markdown, HTML, json, and a table that would be easily inserted into a rich text editor.

Create a Chart

Create a Chart

I am creating this page to make the process of creating charts easier. I plan on allowing users to use Bokeh and mpld3 to make charts that can either be 1. saved and embedded in a rich text editor or 2. copied (copy HTML / css / js associated with the chart). Hopefully I will eventually have a AI coding assistant for this as well.

Testing Select Components

Testing Select Components

I don't really like my implementation of the <select> component right now. It's styled correctly and works fine, but its missing some JavaScript functionality, probably has accessibility issues, and lacks features that some JavaScript select libraries offer. On this page, I am going to test different JavaScript select libraries to see which ones I like best.

Google Colab Clone

Google Colab Clone

Because I decided to sandbox Python code using Jupyter Notebooks, I ended up having to learn how Jupyter Notebooks really work, which then led me to want to create a Google Colab clone.

Test Build Recommendation System

Testing Recommendation System(s)

I want to build this page to test out building different recommendation systems. I plan to use the Wikipedia API to suggest Wikipedia pages to you based on a description of yourself and based on what users similar to you are interested in. I will have to populate the database with test users to do this now.

Sorting Mechanisms

Sorting Mechanisms

I sometimes need to sort components by some attribute they have. I want to test out the JavaScript / styling on this. I am also going to look into sorting table rows (which might impact Lexical implementation).


Get File Information

I wanted to create this page so that I can easily get information about image, audio, video, and document files. It also gives me the opportunity to standardize the information that I care about with the respect to the metadata of each of these file types.


Neural Style Transfer

This is a page to demonstrate a Neural Style Tranfer model that I implemented on the backend. This is the first page that uses a different systemd service than the Node.js service that runs most of this site. I learned about and provide information on Neural Style transfer on this page. I also learned about Flask and TensorFlow with this project.


Various NLP Tasks

I implemented various HuggingFace models on the backend (and used some external APIs) to demonstrate some common Natural Language Processing tasks on this page. Demonstrations of Fill-Mask, Question Answering, Semantic Analysis, Named Entity recognition, Classification, Feature Extraction, Summarization, and Keyword Extraction can be found here.


Various AI Image Tasks

I implemented various HuggingFace models on the backend (and used some external APIs) to demonstrate some common AI-related Image tasks on this page. This includes feature extraction, image captioning, image safe search, text to image, monocular depth estimation, object detection, image segmentation, keypoint detection, and optical character recognition.


AI Chat

I want to create an AI chatbot using external APIs to learn more about how the big labs use chatbots - and to learn more about their APIs. I am not really talking about the Deep Learning behind these LLMs that I want to learn about (since the cost to create these models is out of my reach), but the software engineering related to running one.


Visualizing NCAA Basketball Tournament Results

I got data on the results of the NCAA basketball tournament from the 80s to now and I wanted to create a page that visualizes the results on a map and bracket. I haven't completed this because I got caught up in other things and making a bracket in HTML is harder than I thought (or harder to put effort into than I previously thought).


Learning HTML 5 Canvas

I wanted to learn more about the HTML 5 canvas element, so I created this page. I will probably tru to create a game or something using canvas in the future since there is a lot to do with it, but this page is not of much use.

Sense of Style

Getting a Sense of Style

I wanted to create this page to get a sense of how certain styles look on different devices. You could do this through the Developer Console, but I want to get a sense of what different styles look like while actually using different devices. This page is not very useful to anyone except myself.


HTML to JavaScript

I wanted to create this page to make it easier to create HTML components using JavaScript, i.e. - upload HTML and receive JavaScript that produces that HTML in a way that is impossible to attack via Cross Site Scripting. I have abandoned this for now.


Create SVG

I wanted to create an SVG maker that - instead of converting images to complex <path> elements - actually used some more common SVG elements like <circle> and <rect> and <text>. I will probably come back to this in the far off future (maybe).


CSS Sprite Builder

I wanted to create a page that makes it easy to create CSS sprites. I will probably come back to this in the future.


Create Three JS Texture

I wanted to create a page that makes it easy to create a Three JS texture. I will probably come back to this in the future.


These projects aren't really projects but pages that I created to remind myself of things before I had finalized the article builder. Some of these projects are things I ended up abandoning because I didn't find them useful or I didn't want to do anything more with them.

Three JS Playground

I created this page because I wanted to create a page where users can upload 3D asset files and play with them in Three JS. I will probably come back to this in the future.


SVG Basics

I wanted to learn about the basics of SVGs, so I created this page. On this page, I take notes on SVGs and demonstrate some animation functionality that they have.


Three JS Test

I originally wanted users to be able to upload 3D objects to the Lexical rich text editor, but I decided against it because I wouldn't know how to perform content moderation on 3D assets. This page is a demonstration that three js works on this site.


Creating Full Text Search

I created this page before I had completed the article builder. This page contains some notes on how I initially decided to go about implementing full text search for this site.


Implementing Auth

I created this page before I had completed the article builder. This page contains some notes on how I decided to go about implementing authentication for this site.


Learning D3.js

I wanted to learn D3.js because that is how I was planning to implement graphs on the client. Now, I think I am going to use something else.


Image Editor

I created this page to learn more about the pintura image editor and imagemagick. I will come back to this page to make it easier to edit images with imagemagick without having to learn/memorize the command with all the options.


Excalidraw Implementation

Originally, I wanted to create this page because I thought Excalidraw was a good way to create diagrams. I am just not a big fan of it, and given the fact that it is only available through React, I eventually quit caring about this. It used to work, but I don't care enough about it to make it work again. I may come back to this if I am really bored.