mpld3 Documentation

I want to take some notes on mpld3 to see if it is more practical to use / whether I should use it vs Bokeh.

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The mpld3 project brings together Matplotlib, the popular Python-based graphing libraru, and D3js, the popular JavaScript library for creating interactive data visualizations for the web. The result is a simple API for exporting your matplotlib graphics to HTML code which can be used within the browser, within standard web pages, blogs, or tools such as the IPython notebook.

Quick Start Guide

The mpld3 package is extremely easy to use: you simply take any script generating a matplotlib plot, run it through one of mpld3's convenience routines, and embed the result in a web page. The current release of mpld3 can be installed with pip:

bash $ pip install mpld3

Then you can make an interactive plot like so:

python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, mpld3 plt.plot([3,1,4,1,5], 'ks-', mec='w', mew=5, ms=20)

These are the general functions used to convert matplotlib graphics into HTML and D3js.

Figures can be saved to file either in a stand-alone HTML format, or in a JSON format. mpld3 supplies the following convenience routines for this purpose:

The mpld3 plugin framework nearly endless possibilities for adding interactive behavior to matplotlib plots rendered in d3. The package includes several built-in plugins, which add zooming, panning, and other interactive behaviors to plots. Several examples of these plugins can be seen in the Example Gallery.

Installing mpld3

A core piece of the mpld3 package are the JavaScript libraries, which are located in the package in the mpld3/js/ directory. The mpld3.*.js is automatically constructed from a number of source JavaScript files; if you modify these sources, the libraries must be rebuilt before mpld3 is installed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Short answer: not really. Mpld3, like matplotlib itself, is designed for small to medium-scale visualizations, and this is unlikely to change. The reason is that mpld3 is built upon the foundation of HTML's SVGm which is not particularly well-suited for large datasets. Plots with more than a few thousand elements will have noticeably slow response for interactive features.

A list of unsupported features can be found with this GitHub link.

The client-side interface of mpld3 is a pure JavaScript library, which builds figures based on a well-defined JSON specification. This specification was designed with matplotlib in mind, but there's nothing stopping you from generating the JSON from another source.

At the moment, mpld3 only renders to SVG via D3, not to canvas.

There is a local copy of the mpld3 library bundled with the package, which you can find in mpld3/js/mpld3.v0.2/js where v0.2 indicates the library version,and matches the version of the mpld3 Python package.

To use mpld3 without an internet connection, you need to use a local version of the mpld3 and d3 libraries.

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