Learning Regex
I am trying to learn more about the basics of regex because creating a good markdown parser kind of requires it. Here are some notes on the subject.
Learning Regex
Why Try to Learn Regex Better
- One of my main uses of ChatGPT is generating regex expressions.
- This typically goes pretty well, though sometimes the generator misses on edge cases which are hard for me to think about when I am focused on just getting the Regex working
- I think it would be a lot faster for me tro just learn Regex and be able to quickly write simple expressions myself.
- Most of the time, the regex expressions that I need to write are pretty simple, so I don't think I need to be a master at it.
- Parsing markdown (for converting from markdown to HTML) relies heavly on Regex pattern matching, so I wanted to learn this before completing the markdown to HTML functionality that I am working on with markedjs
How I am Attempting to Learn Regex Better
- I am using this youtube video to learn regex better at first.
- I created an account on regexr.com which I might use to save regex expressions, or I might just create a Table for it in the database
- This is the MDN resource that talks about Regex
- Regular expression goes /(PATTERN)/(FLAGS)
- A string is a regex, just an exact search regex, except in the case of the special characters seen below
const a = /html/ // Regex searches for exact matches on html
- Special (Meta) Characters
- .: Matches on a single instance of any characters
- *: Look for zero or more instances of whatever the preceding regular expression is
const a = /.*/ // Regex matches every instance of all characters
- ?: For any pattern that is followed by a question mark, make the pattern option
const a = /<\/?html>/ // Regex matches opening and closing <html> tags
= |: Means "OR" -> match the pattern before the pipe or after the pipe, where | = "pipe"
const a = /<(h1|h2)>/ // Regex matches opening h1 or h2 tags
- +: Look for one or more
- (): Called a capture group -> Allow us to create a sub regex and store whatever is captured in that sub regex in memory so that we can reference it later
- Note that the ?: in the below example prevents the capture group from being stored in memory
- The ?<innerText> in the below example names the capture group $innerText, whereas the capture groups are typically given names (references) 1, 2, and so on...
const a = /<(?:h1|p)>(?<innerText>.*?)<\/(?:h1|p)>/ // Regex matches everything inside <h1> and <p> tags
- []: Called Character Classes: anything that falls within the bracket the regex will attempt to match on
- [^PATTERN]: Negated Character Class: Matches anything except whatever is the PATTERN
const a = /[\d\w]/ // Matches on any letter or digit
const b = /[\d\w]+/ // Matches on any number of characters or digits
const c = /[0-5]+/ // Matches on any number of instances of digits from 0 to 5
const d = /[a-eX-Z]+/ // Matches on any number of instances of characters a-e or X, Y, and Z
const e = />[^<]+</ // Matches on everything between the right arrow and the left arrow
const f = /(\A.*?)<a/ // matches all HTML up the first anchor tag
- -: denotes range. See examples above of matching on a range of digits . a range of characters
- \: You can use \index to reference previous matches of subgroups with Back References
- In the example below, the \1 is a reference to the subgroup (\w{3}-)
const a = /(\w{3}-).*?\1/ // Look for three letters followed by a hyphen followed by three letters followed by a hyphen with any characters in between the two matches of the pattern - this first match will be the only match of the entire pattern.
- Shorthands
- \w: matches on all letters
- \d: matches on all digits
- \s: matches on all spaces
- Anchors
- ^: Denotes the start of a line
- $: Denotes the end of a line
- \A: Denotes the start of the entire text/document
- ^ will match the start of every line in the document/text
- \Z: Denotes the end of the entire text/document
- Repetition / Range
- /\d{2}/ will match 2 consecutive digits
- /a{2}/ will match two consecutive a's
- /\d{3,5}/ will match numbers that are between 3 and 5 characters in length
- Will match 123 and 12345, but not 12 or 1 or 123456
- Flags
- i: case insensitive
const a = /[a-z]/gi; // Match all characters a-z (case insensitive)
- g global
- Search And Replace
const a = /(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/ // Get the first three words
/* $3 $2 $1 -> rearrange the first three words using capture groups */
- Positive Look Ahead - Find a regular expression that is immediately followed by another expression but only include the initial regular expression in the matching. The positive look ahead is denoted ?= in the Regex expression below
const a = /\w(?=\s)/ // Look for characters that are immediately followed by a space
- Negative Look Around - denoted by the ?!
const a = />(?!\s)/ // Look for a ">" character that is not immediately followed by a space
const a = /^(?!.*(?:html|body)).*?$/ // Matches all lines that do not contain the word HTML or body
Email Example
const a = /^.*?@.*?\.\w+/ // (starts with and contains any characters)@(any letters).any characters
- Javascript
- javascript javascript "string".match() returns an array of matches
- javascript javascript /\w+/.test("string") returns a boolean whether the string contains any matches of the regular expression
var pattern = new RegExp(/\w+/,"gi");
var user = "Tim";
var pattern2 new RegExp("name: ".concat(user),"gi");
- Python
import re
pattern = re.compile('[a-z]+')
pattern.findall("This is my test sentence") # -> ["his", "is", "my", "test", "sentence"]
pattern = re.compile('[a-zA-Z]+')
pattern.findall("This is my test sentence") # -> ["This", "is", "my", "test", "sentence"]
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