PostgreSQL: Date/Rime Functions and Operators

I kind of skipped over the functions/operators section of the PostgreSQL documentation when reading it. I want to review the sections that I think would be useful to me.

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Date and timestamps are all comparable, while times (with or without time zone) and intervals can only be compared to other values of the same data type. When comparing a timestamp without a timezone to a timestamp with a timezone, the former value is assumed to be given in the time zone specified by the TimeZone configuration parameter, and is rotated to UTC for comparison to the latter value (which is already UTC internally). Similarly, a date value is assumed to represent midnight in the TimeZone zone when comparing it to a timestamp.

All functions and operators described that take time or timestamp inputs actually come in two variants: one with and one without the time zone.

In addition to the operators and functions seen in the tables below, the SQL OVERLAPS operator is supported:

(start1, end1) OVERLAPS (start2, end2)
(start1, length1) OVERLAPS (start2, length2)

This expression yields true when two time periods (defined by their endpoints) overlap, false when they do not overlap. The endpoints can be specified as pairs of dates, times, or time stamps; or as a date, time, or time stamp followed by an interval. When a pair of values is provided, either the start or the end can be written first; OVERLAPS automatically takes the earlier value of the pair as the start. Each time period is considered to represent the half-open interval start <= time < end unless start and end are equal, in which case it represents that single time instance.

When adding an interval value to (or subtracting an interval value from) a timestamp with timzezone value, the months, days, and microseconds of the interval value are handled in turn.

EXTRACT(field from source)

The extract function retrieves subfields such as year or hour from date/time values. source must be a value expression of type timestamp, date, time, or interval. field is an identifier or string that selects what field to extract from the source value.

Valid field names:

  • century
  • day
  • decade
  • dow
  • doy
  • epoch
  • hour
  • isodow
  • isoyear
  • julian
  • ...

The function date_trunc is conceptually similar to the trunc function for numbers.

date_trunc(field , source [,time_zone]_

source is a value expression of type timestamp [with time zone] or interval. field selects to which precision to truncate the input value.

PostgreSQL provides a number of functions that return values related to the current date and time. These SQL-standard functions all return values based on the start time of the current transaction:


The following functions are available to delay execution of the server processes:

pg_sleep ( double precision )
pg_sleep_for ( interval )
pg_sleep_until ( timestamp with time zone )

Need to make sure that AI-generated SQL does not execute the above sleep functions.




date + integer → date

Add a number of days to a date

date '2001-09-28' + 7 → 2001-10-05

date + interval → timestamp

Add an interval to a date

date '2001-09-28' + interval '1 hour' → 2001-09-28 01:00:00

date + time → timestamp

Add a time-of-day to a date

date '2001-09-28' + time '03:00' → 2001-09-28 03:00:00

interval + interval → interval

Add intervals

interval '1 day' + interval '1 hour' → 1 day 01:00:00

timestamp + interval → timestamp

Add an interval to a timestamp

timestamp '2001-09-28 01:00' + interval '23 hours' → 2001-09-29 00:00:00

time + interval → time

Add an interval to a time

time '01:00' + interval '3 hours' → 04:00:00

- interval → interval

Negate an interval

- interval '23 hours' → -23:00:00

date - date → integer

Subtract dates, producing the number of days elapsed

date '2001-10-01' - date '2001-09-28' → 3

date - integer → date

Subtract a number of days from a date

date '2001-10-01' - 7 → 2001-09-24

date - interval → timestamp

Subtract an interval from a date

date '2001-09-28' - interval '1 hour' → 2001-09-27 23:00:00

time - time → interval

Subtract times

time '05:00' - time '03:00' → 02:00:00

time - interval → time

Subtract an interval from a time

time '05:00' - interval '2 hours' → 03:00:00

timestamp - interval → timestamp

Subtract an interval from a timestamp

timestamp '2001-09-28 23:00' - interval '23 hours' → 2001-09-28 00:00:00

interval - interval → interval

Subtract intervals

interval '1 day' - interval '1 hour' → 1 day -01:00:00

timestamp - timestamp → interval

Subtract timestamps (converting 24-hour intervals into days, similarly to justify_hours())

timestamp '2001-09-29 03:00' - timestamp '2001-07-27 12:00' → 63 days 15:00:00

interval * double precision → interval

Multiply an interval by a scalar

interval '1 second' * 900 → 00:15:00

interval '1 day' * 21 → 21 days

interval '1 hour' * 3.5 → 03:30:00

interval / double precision → interval

Divide an interval by a scalar

interval '1 hour' / 1.5 → 00:40:00




age ( timestamptimestamp ) → interval

Subtract arguments, producing a “symbolic” result that uses years and months, rather than just days

age(timestamp '2001-04-10', timestamp '1957-06-13') → 43 years 9 mons 27 days

age ( timestamp ) → interval

Subtract argument from current_date (at midnight)

age(timestamp '1957-06-13') → 62 years 6 mons 10 days

clock_timestamp ( ) → timestamp with time zone

Current date and time (changes during statement execution); see Section 9.9.5

clock_timestamp() → 2019-12-23 14:39:53.662522-05

current_date → date

Current date; see Section 9.9.5

current_date → 2019-12-23

current_time → time with time zone

Current time of day; see Section 9.9.5

current_time → 14:39:53.662522-05

current_time ( integer ) → time with time zone

Current time of day, with limited precision; see Section 9.9.5

current_time(2) → 14:39:53.66-05

current_timestamp → timestamp with time zone

Current date and time (start of current transaction); see Section 9.9.5

current_timestamp → 2019-12-23 14:39:53.662522-05

current_timestamp ( integer ) → timestamp with time zone

Current date and time (start of current transaction), with limited precision; see Section 9.9.5

current_timestamp(0) → 2019-12-23 14:39:53-05

date_add ( timestamp with time zoneinterval [, text ] ) → timestamp with time zone

Add an interval to a timestamp with time zone, computing times of day and daylight-savings adjustments according to the time zone named by the third argument, or the current TimeZone setting if that is omitted. The form with two arguments is equivalent to the timestamp with time zone + interval operator.

date_add('2021-10-31 00:00:00+02'::timestamptz, '1 day'::interval, 'Europe/Warsaw') → 2021-10-31 23:00:00+00

date_bin ( intervaltimestamptimestamp ) → timestamp

Bin input into specified interval aligned with specified origin; see Section 9.9.3

date_bin('15 minutes', timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40', timestamp '2001-02-16 20:05:00') → 2001-02-16 20:35:00

date_part ( texttimestamp ) → double precision

Get timestamp subfield (equivalent to extract); see Section 9.9.1

date_part('hour', timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40') → 20

date_part ( textinterval ) → double precision

Get interval subfield (equivalent to extract); see Section 9.9.1

date_part('month', interval '2 years 3 months') → 3

date_subtract ( timestamp with time zoneinterval [, text ] ) → timestamp with time zone

Subtract an interval from a timestamp with time zone, computing times of day and daylight-savings adjustments according to the time zone named by the third argument, or the current TimeZone setting if that is omitted. The form with two arguments is equivalent to the timestamp with time zone - interval operator.

date_subtract('2021-11-01 00:00:00+01'::timestamptz, '1 day'::interval, 'Europe/Warsaw') → 2021-10-30 22:00:00+00

date_trunc ( texttimestamp ) → timestamp

Truncate to specified precision; see Section 9.9.2

date_trunc('hour', timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40') → 2001-02-16 20:00:00

date_trunc ( texttimestamp with time zonetext ) → timestamp with time zone

Truncate to specified precision in the specified time zone; see Section 9.9.2

date_trunc('day', timestamptz '2001-02-16 20:38:40+00', 'Australia/Sydney') → 2001-02-16 13:00:00+00

date_trunc ( textinterval ) → interval

Truncate to specified precision; see Section 9.9.2

date_trunc('hour', interval '2 days 3 hours 40 minutes') → 2 days 03:00:00

extract ( field from timestamp ) → numeric

Get timestamp subfield; see Section 9.9.1

extract(hour from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40') → 20

extract ( field from interval ) → numeric

Get interval subfield; see Section 9.9.1

extract(month from interval '2 years 3 months') → 3

isfinite ( date ) → boolean

Test for finite date (not +/-infinity)

isfinite(date '2001-02-16') → true

isfinite ( timestamp ) → boolean

Test for finite timestamp (not +/-infinity)

isfinite(timestamp 'infinity') → false

isfinite ( interval ) → boolean

Test for finite interval (not +/-infinity)

isfinite(interval '4 hours') → true

justify_days ( interval ) → interval

Adjust interval, converting 30-day time periods to months

justify_days(interval '1 year 65 days') → 1 year 2 mons 5 days

justify_hours ( interval ) → interval

Adjust interval, converting 24-hour time periods to days

justify_hours(interval '50 hours 10 minutes') → 2 days 02:10:00

justify_interval ( interval ) → interval

Adjust interval using justify_days and justify_hours, with additional sign adjustments

justify_interval(interval '1 mon -1 hour') → 29 days 23:00:00

localtime → time

Current time of day; see Section 9.9.5

localtime → 14:39:53.662522

localtime ( integer ) → time

Current time of day, with limited precision; see Section 9.9.5

localtime(0) → 14:39:53

localtimestamp → timestamp

Current date and time (start of current transaction); see Section 9.9.5

localtimestamp → 2019-12-23 14:39:53.662522

localtimestamp ( integer ) → timestamp

Current date and time (start of current transaction), with limited precision; see Section 9.9.5

localtimestamp(2) → 2019-12-23 14:39:53.66

make_date ( year intmonth intday int ) → date

Create date from year, month and day fields (negative years signify BC)

make_date(2013, 7, 15) → 2013-07-15

make_interval ( [ years int [, months int [, weeks int [, days int [, hours int [, mins int [, secs double precision ]]]]]]] ) → interval

Create interval from years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds fields, each of which can default to zero

make_interval(days => 10) → 10 days

make_time ( hour intmin intsec double precision ) → time

Create time from hour, minute and seconds fields

make_time(8, 15, 23.5) → 08:15:23.5

make_timestamp ( year intmonth intday inthour intmin intsec double precision ) → timestamp

Create timestamp from year, month, day, hour, minute and seconds fields (negative years signify BC)

make_timestamp(2013, 7, 15, 8, 15, 23.5) → 2013-07-15 08:15:23.5

make_timestamptz ( year intmonth intday inthour intmin intsec double precision [, timezone text ] ) → timestamp with time zone

Create timestamp with time zone from year, month, day, hour, minute and seconds fields (negative years signify BC). If timezone is not specified, the current time zone is used; the examples assume the session time zone is Europe/London

make_timestamptz(2013, 7, 15, 8, 15, 23.5) → 2013-07-15 08:15:23.5+01

make_timestamptz(2013, 7, 15, 8, 15, 23.5, 'America/New_York') → 2013-07-15 13:15:23.5+01

now ( ) → timestamp with time zone

Current date and time (start of current transaction); see Section 9.9.5

now() → 2019-12-23 14:39:53.662522-05

statement_timestamp ( ) → timestamp with time zone

Current date and time (start of current statement); see Section 9.9.5

statement_timestamp() → 2019-12-23 14:39:53.662522-05

timeofday ( ) → text

Current date and time (like clock_timestamp, but as a text string); see Section 9.9.5

timeofday() → Mon Dec 23 14:39:53.662522 2019 EST

transaction_timestamp ( ) → timestamp with time zone

Current date and time (start of current transaction); see Section 9.9.5

transaction_timestamp() → 2019-12-23 14:39:53.662522-05

to_timestamp ( double precision ) → timestamp with time zone

Convert Unix epoch (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00) to timestamp with time zone

to_timestamp(1284352323) → 2010-09-13 04:32:03+00

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