Scientific Subjects that I Want to Know More About
Keeping track of subjects that I want to learn more about. These topics are mainly scientific. The way that I created this list was by looking at the curriculums of various majors of universities.
Why I am Creating This Note
- This note contains a list of various subjects that I want to learn more about. Some of these subjects I have learned about before, but I want to see if I can gain a better understanding of some of these subjects by learning about them from first principles.
- I am going to try to go over these topics again in the order seen below - I arranged them in an order that I thought was appropriate. I plan to take notes on each of these subjects and post them to the notes section of this site.
- Calculus
- Introductory Statistics
- Linear Algebra
- Bayesian Data Analysis
- Differential Equations
- Discrete Mathematics
- Real Analysis
- Abstract Algebra
- Topology
- Set Theory
- Physics 1
- Physics 2
- Mathematical Computational Methods Of Physics
- Introductory Quantum Physics Relativity
- Intermediate Mechanics
- Intermediate Electricity And Magnetism
- Statistical Thermodynamics
- Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics
- Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Computational Chemistry
- Organometallics Catalysis
Materials Science
- Into Materials Science
- Mechanics of Materials
- Materials Selection Design
Mechanical Engineering
- Statics
- Dynamics
- Thermodynamics
- Kinematics And Dynamics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Heat Transfer
- System Dynamics
- Machine Design
Electrical Engineering
- Digital Logic Circuits
- Random Processes
- Electrical Machines
- Engineering Circuit Analysis
- Computer Systems
- Signals & Systems
- Digital Electronics
- Electrical Power Systems
- Wireless Communication
- Control Systems
- Analog Electronics
Aerospace Engineering
- Introduction to Flight
- Practical Stress Analysis
- Introduction Finite Element Method
- Fundamentals Fracture Mechanics
- Mechanics Composite Materials
- Aircraft Design Conceptual Approach
- Fundamentals Astrodynamics
- Space Mission Analysis and Design
- Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
- Theory of Wing sections
- Modern Compressible Flow
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion
- Flight Stability Automatic Control
- Aerodynamics and Aircraft Performance
- Mechanical Vibrations
Computer Science
- Structure Interpretation of Computer Programs
- Computer Systems Programmers Perspective
- The Algorithm Design Manual
- Operating Systems Three Easy Pieces
- Computer Networking Top Down Approach
- Readings in Database Systems
- Data and Reality
- Compilers Principles Techniques & Tools
- Surveying
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Structural Analysis
- Hydraulics
- Environmental Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Civil Engineering Materials
Mechanical Engineering Electives
- Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning
- Intro to Engines
- Vehicle Dynamics
- Friction Wear and Lubrication
- Engineered Flexible Structures
- Vehicle Powertrain Systems
- Fundamentals of Combustion Processes
- Electronics Packaging
- Robot Kinematics Dynamics
- Compressible Fluid Flow
- Virtual Prototyping
- Fundamentals Fluid Film Lubrication
- Modern Sensors
- Polymer Science Technology
- Mechatronics Principles and Applications
- Understanding GPS
- Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
- Fundamentals of Nuclear Science Engineering
- Nuclear Reactor Analysis
- Radiation Detection and Measurement
- Biology
- Organismal Biology
- General Microbiology
- Genetics
- Cell Biology
- Immunology
- Animal Physiology
Pre Pharmacy
- Human Anatomy And Physiology
- Geology Introduction
- Soil Science
- Poultry Science
- Horticulture
- Cop Improvement
- Landscape Gardening
- Power Equipment Technology
- Weed Science
- Fish Farming
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