Create A Survey
Read more about creating articles in this blog post.
Required Survey Attributes
Survey Description:
Font Family For Editor
Font Size For Editor
Please input a valid url.
Insert Images
Image Requirements
- Images must be less than 5 MegaBytes in size.
- Images must have one of the following file types: .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .webp, .gif, .bmp, or .svg.
- For inputs that accept multiple images, the maximum number of images you can upload at once is 30.
Uploading Images
- Upload an image.
Edit the image. Make sure that you save the edits on the image by clicking the checkmark button before submitting the form.
- For each image, you have the opportunity to add a title and a description of the image. The title and description will be shown when the user clicks on the image. The title will be used as the alt attribute for the image as well.
- If you want to add additional images, it is best to submit the form and relaunch this dialog.
Uploading Multiple Images
- Upload all the images that you want to include in the input.
Select how you want the images to appear in the editor.
- Image Carousel:: Inserts an image carousel into the editor. Make sure you upload all the images that you want to include in the carousel on the first upload. Any subsequent uploads will replace the currently saved images and their associated edits. If you want to include additional images, it is best to submit the current form, and then relaunch the dialog to add more images.
- Single Image(s): Inserts images into the editor as if they were inserted as a single image one by one.
Edit the images. Make sure that you save the edits on each image by clicking the checkmark button before moving on to the next image.
- For each image, you have the opportunity to add a title and a description of the image. The title and description will be shown when the user clicks on the image. The title will be used as the alt attribute for the image as well.
- SUBMIT the form, and the images will be added to the input.
Insert Audio
Audio Upload Requirements
- Each audio upload must be less than 300 MegaBytes in size.
- Audio uploads must have one of the following file types: .m4a, .flac, .mp3, .mp4, .wav, .wma, .aac, .webm, or .mpeg.
- Each audio upload must have an associated title.
Uploading Audio Recordings
- Upload an audio recording.
- Add a title for the audio recording.
- SUBMIT the form.
- If you want to add additional audio recordings, it is best to submit the form and relaunch this dialog.
Please enter valid inputs to insert an audio recording.
Insert Video
Video Upload Requirements
- Each video upload must be less than 300 MegaBytes in size.
- Video uploads must have one of the following file types: .mp4, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .avchd, .webm, or .flv.
- For inputs that accept multiple video files, the maximum number of video files you can upload at once is 10.
- Each uploaded video must have an associated title.
Uploading Videos
- Upload a video recording.
- Add a title and optionally add a description for the video.
- SUBMIT the form.
- If you want to add additional videos, it is best to submit the form and relaunch this dialog.
Please enter valid inputs to insert a video recording
Enter the poll description here! The poll description can be written with the same components that articles use. If the poll description's height is greater than 400 pixels, then the poll will be abbreviated when being initially shown to the user,
Survey Questions
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