Table Conversion

Why Create This Page

It is sometimes frustrating to convert HTML tables between formats, which is why I am creating this page. Using the forms below, you can either

  1. Upload a CSV / Excel file and convert it to another format.
  2. Upload some text, specify what format the text is in, and convert the tabular representation into another format.
  3. Insert a URL, get the tables from the page, and convert it to a different format.

File to Table Format

Upload an Excel or CSV file using the file input below and select the output format to which you want to convert the table. Submit the form to receive the table in a different format.

Input Format:
Output Format:

Text to Table Format

Insert the table in HTML, markdown, or csv form which you want to convert to another format. See this Google Colab page to see how to properly format the markdown. Select the output format of the table, and submit the form.

Output Format:
Text Input Type

URL to Table Format

Insert a URL using the link below

Output Format: