Frank's Utilities
Why Create This
I wanted to create this page to automate tasks that I need to do often / occasionally just for productivity reasons.
Open Utilities Dialogs
Escape String
Enter the string you want escaped into the <textarea>
Generate Math Markup
Enter code into the textarea below and submit the form. Copy the resulting HTML. NOTE: in order to use the KateX output, you must have the appropriate CSS. See the KateX documentation.
Generate Code Markup
Enter code into the textarea below and select the appropriate coding language for which you want to generate highlighted code markup. Click the submit button to generate the markup using highlight js.
Upload Image, Get Data
Upload an image using the <input type="file"> input below, submit the form, and get the HTML that should be used for the image.
Markdown to HTML
Input markdown into the textarea below, customize the options, and submit the form to generate equivalent HTML for the markdown using markedjs. I am not done implementing marked correctly for my design system. I need to look at customizing the renderer / tokenizer for some elements. I also need to implement this for the Lexical Implementation.
CSV/Excel To HTML Table
Upload a CSV file or Excel file and get an equivalent HTML Table by uploading the file, customizing the output, and submitting the form.
Input a HTML table into the textarea below to convert it to equivalent CSV/json. This should work with tables that have merged cells, but it will not work with nested tables.
HTML5 Pattern Validator
About HTML5 Pattern Attribute
Input the pattern that you want to use as the pattern attribute in the input below, and whether or not the input is valid will be displayed below the input.
Random JavaScript Variable Generator
Click the button below to generate valid random JavaScript variable names.